Hi, I'm Thales Menato 👋🏻

This is my personal website where I attempt to document things I've learned or wish I had the time to do so. Projects that I started and (probably) didn't finish. Work stuff to help me get jobs so I can buy for more hardware for homelab!

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  • May2023 - Dec2024
    Senior Software Engineer
    • Helped establish a dedicated Infrastructure team that provided reusable Terraform modules for the development teams, by standardizing application architectures across the organization, allowing easier deployment to ECS, Lambda and supporting infrastructure such as Route53, ACM and S3.

    • Refactored previously implemented Terraform by converting it from a single monolith module to multiple small and reusable ones, which allowed easier maintenance in multiple environments.

    • Imported AWS infrastructure created manually via Console (GUI) to Terraform and added build pipelines using GitHub Actions / CircleCI for projects that required it.

    • Used ansible with Ubuntu and nix with NixOS for deploying and configuring services to EC2 instances.

    • Added code quality validation using GitHub Actions for linting, formatting and security and pre-commit hooks to multiple repositories containing Terraform, Python and JavaScript code.

    • Implemented, from scratch, a build pipeline in GitHub Action for the Report generator team, which develops critical-mission services for the company, allowing developers to quickly test and deploy only applications that changed during their development cycle.

    • Worked on security initiatives such as defining database access policies, users and roles, also implemented Ansible playbooks to help manage them.

    • Participated in on-call rotation.

  • May2022 - Apr2023
    Senior Software Engineer
    • Subject-matter expert on DevOps tasks for my team of 5 developers.

    • Developed AWS Lambdas using Python and APIs with Flask deployed to ECS with peak traffic of 100 req/s.

    • Standardized GitHub Actions as the build tool, then converted other pipeline implementations from AWS CodeBuild, Travis and CircleCI.

    • Managed and created multiple Terraform modules, updated terraform and aws provider version to latest.

    • Identified cost savings in Infrastructure by resizing overly provisioned resources.

    • Created and maintained Dockerfiles to comply with security scanners for multiple services.

Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on social media or send me an email.